Popular Kittl wedding invitation cards collection

Customizable Wedding Invitation Card Templates

Vintage designs are perfect for adding a touch of nostalgia and elegance to your wedding invitation card. At Kittl, we have a vast library of professionally designed wedding invitation templates that you can easily customize to fit your style. With thousands of options to choose from, you'll be sure to find the perfect design for your special day. Sign up for free and create your own wedding invitation today!

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Screenshot of wedding invitation card being created in Kittl editor

Your dream wedding invitation is just a click away with Kittl

Creating the perfect wedding invitation card has never been easier. With Kittl's easy-to-use invitation maker, you can design a stunning invitation in just a few clicks. Our platform has features like 1-click text effects, AI tools, and thousands of templates designed by professionals and the Kittl community. Don't settle for a generic invitation - create something truly special with Kittl.

Design a truly unique wedding invitation with Kittl's AI-powered illustrations

Kittl's AI photo and vector illustration generator, coupled with our vast library of premium vector illustrations, makes designing your wedding invitation card a breeze. With thousands of handmade illustrations, you'll never need to search the web for assets again. Simply drag and drop the illustrations into your design and customize them with features like borders, shadows, and color changes - all with just a click.

Kittl's AI features generating assets for wedding invitation card
Kittl's font library for wedding invitation card

Make your wedding invitation truly unique with Kittl's custom lettering options

Fonts are a crucial element in creating the perfect wedding invitation card. They help set the tone and style of your design. At Kittl, we offer a library of hundreds of premium fonts designed by professionals. Our built-in library is perfect for wedding invitations, with advanced features like glyphs and alternate characters that allow you to create custom lettering with ease. With 1-click text effects and transformation, you'll have the perfect font for your special day in no time.

Trusted by brands and creators

Warner BrosHarley DavidsonNetflixMilkaOgilvyRavensburgerPenguinWarner BrosHarley DavidsonNetflixMilkaOgilvyRavensburgerPenguin

Rich Khun

I just keep saying it's dope. You can create complex designs very easily.


Will Paterson

Kittl has been an invaluable resource for our company this year. Their many fonts are of excellent quality and I’ve really enjoyed creating some stunning designs in Kittl!


Angie Holden

Kittl makes creating new designs super easy. My first reaction, was WOW!! I couldn't believe you could use it online and for free.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding Invitation Card Designs

What is a wedding invitation card?

A wedding invitation card is a formal invitation sent to guests inviting them to attend a wedding ceremony. It typically includes details such as the names of the couple, date, time and location of the wedding ceremony and reception, dress code, RSVP details, and any other relevant information. Wedding invitation cards come in various styles, designs, and formats, and are usually customized to suit the couple's preferences.

What is a wedding invitation card?

A wedding invitation card is a formal invitation sent to guests inviting them to attend a wedding ceremony. It typically includes details such as the names of the couple, date, time and location of the wedding ceremony and reception, dress code, RSVP details, and any other relevant information. Wedding invitation cards come in various styles, designs, and formats, and are usually customized to suit the couple's preferences.

What makes a good wedding invitation card?

A good wedding invitation card should be visually appealing, informative, and reflective of the couple's personalities and wedding theme. It should convey the necessary information in a clear and concise manner and include all relevant details about the wedding ceremony and reception. A good design should use high-quality images, typography, and color schemes that complement each other and make the invitation look professional and stylish.

What makes a good wedding invitation card?

A good wedding invitation card should be visually appealing, informative, and reflective of the couple's personalities and wedding theme. It should convey the necessary information in a clear and concise manner and include all relevant details about the wedding ceremony and reception. A good design should use high-quality images, typography, and color schemes that complement each other and make the invitation look professional and stylish.

How do I create a wedding invitation card?

You can create a wedding invitation card using Kittl's easy-to-use editor that works right in your browser. Kittl has a built-in asset library, AI tools, and a huge template library that you can use to create your designs. You don't need to have any design skills or experience with Photoshop or Illustrator to use Kittl. Thousands of Adobe users love and use Kittl to create stunning designs in minutes.

How do I create a wedding invitation card?

You can create a wedding invitation card using Kittl's easy-to-use editor that works right in your browser. Kittl has a built-in asset library, AI tools, and a huge template library that you can use to create your designs. You don't need to have any design skills or experience with Photoshop or Illustrator to use Kittl. Thousands of Adobe users love and use Kittl to create stunning designs in minutes.

What is the best card maker for wedding invitation cards?

Kittl's online editor is the best card maker for wedding invitation cards, offering a variety of tools and assets to create a professional-looking design. Kittl's editor works right in the browser and requires no software downloads. With an extensive asset library and AI tools, users can create a unique design in minutes. Kittl's template library also offers a wide range of design options, making it easy to create a memorable design for your wedding invitation card.

What is the best card maker for wedding invitation cards?

Kittl's online editor is the best card maker for wedding invitation cards, offering a variety of tools and assets to create a professional-looking design. Kittl's editor works right in the browser and requires no software downloads. With an extensive asset library and AI tools, users can create a unique design in minutes. Kittl's template library also offers a wide range of design options, making it easy to create a memorable design for your wedding invitation card.

Can I create a wedding invitation card for free in Kittl?

Yes, you can create a wedding invitation card for free in Kittl. It's free to design, download, and share designs in the Kittl editor and to use the huge template library. Even on the free plan, Kittl offers a commercial license that allows you to use the designs for commercial purposes. On the paid plans, Kittl offers advanced features like vector downloads and AI image generation that can help you create even more stunning designs.

Can I create a wedding invitation card for free in Kittl?

Yes, you can create a wedding invitation card for free in Kittl. It's free to design, download, and share designs in the Kittl editor and to use the huge template library. Even on the free plan, Kittl offers a commercial license that allows you to use the designs for commercial purposes. On the paid plans, Kittl offers advanced features like vector downloads and AI image generation that can help you create even more stunning designs.

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