
Free Invitation Maker

Make stunning custom invitations in minutes with Kittl’s free online invitation maker.

Image of Kittl's invitation maker design tool with a floral, green, purple and pink wedding invitation template being used. Next to it, the physical print version of the same wedding invitation is seen.

Used by brands like

Warner BrosHarley DavidsonNetflixMilkaOgilvyRavensburgerPenguinWarner BrosHarley DavidsonNetflixMilkaOgilvyRavensburgerPenguin
Collection of different invitation templates, varying in colors, occasion, style and aesthetic.

Get your guests excited for your next event with a custom invitation. Whether you’re planning a birthday party, baby shower, wedding or graduation, we’ve got you covered. Start by choosing from thousands of templates designed by professionals. Then, simply change the text, colors, customize the images and there you have it - a stunning invitation they can’t possibly decline.

How to Design a Custom Invitation

Kittl logo and different functionality available in the invitation maker tool.

1. Open Kittl

Launch Kittl to get started.

Example floral wedding invitation template.

2. Find the perfect template

Search for ‘invitations’ to browse professionally designed templates or start from scratch.

Editing feature in Kittl allowing users to change the text in a template, along with colors.

3. Customize your invitation

Change the text and colors to match the theme and mood of your event. Upload your own photos or choose from thousands of icons, images, photos and vectors in the library.

Final print ready version of the invitation template that has been customized and ready to be shared.

4. Print or share your invitation

Download and send it to the printers or share the invitation with your guests as an e-invite on social media or email.

Choose from thousands of high quality invitation templates

Browse thousands of free and premium invitation templates for your wedding, birthday party, graduation or bachelorette party. Every invitation template is fully customizable so you can make it unique to your event. Or, start from scratch and create your own design. No experience required.

Different invitation templates shown in various colors, styles and for different occasions.
Text being changed and customized in a template in order to personalize it for the user's needs.

Personalize your invitation

With access to thousands of free and premium fonts, icons, illustrations and royalty-free images, you’ve got everything you need to create a stunning custom invitation your guests won't forget. Upload your own photos or images to personalize your invite. Add textures, borders, decorative elements and play with different color palettes.

Share your custom invitations

Once you’re finished designing, you can download your designs and share your invitations on social media or via email with your guests. Or, if you prefer to send a physical invitation, send your invitations off to the printers.

Final physical printed baby shower invitation. Option for users to download the invitation in PDF, SVG, PNG, JPG/JPEG and share with their guests.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invitation Design

What is the standard size for invitations?

Invitations can come in all different shapes and sizes. The standard invitation size for big events like weddings is 5 x 7 inches. For less formal events, like graduation and birthday parties, invitations are usually 4 x 6 inches. The size of the invitation is really is up to you and most printers will print these standard sizes. To be sure, check with your local printing service.

What is the standard size for invitations?

Invitations can come in all different shapes and sizes. The standard invitation size for big events like weddings is 5 x 7 inches. For less formal events, like graduation and birthday parties, invitations are usually 4 x 6 inches. The size of the invitation is really is up to you and most printers will print these standard sizes. To be sure, check with your local printing service.

What should I include in my invitation?

You should include in the invitation what the event is, the date, time and location, dress code, and RSVP contact details. You can also include other information related to getting there and parking, a link to a website with more details or registry details if applicable.

What should I include in my invitation?

You should include in the invitation what the event is, the date, time and location, dress code, and RSVP contact details. You can also include other information related to getting there and parking, a link to a website with more details or registry details if applicable.

What format should I save my invitation design?

If you are sharing your invitations digitally as e-invites, then PNG and JPG is the best format to save your designs. If you are looking to print physical copies, then it is best to download your invitation as a PDF.

What format should I save my invitation design?

If you are sharing your invitations digitally as e-invites, then PNG and JPG is the best format to save your designs. If you are looking to print physical copies, then it is best to download your invitation as a PDF.

Is Kittl free?

Yes, Kittl has a free plan for everyone. Free plan allows you to design, download, and share your creations, as well as access the extensive template library. For full commercial license and other added benefits, such as vector downloads and AI image generation, Kittl offers paid plans with advanced features.

Is Kittl free?

Yes, Kittl has a free plan for everyone. Free plan allows you to design, download, and share your creations, as well as access the extensive template library. For full commercial license and other added benefits, such as vector downloads and AI image generation, Kittl offers paid plans with advanced features.

Can I use Kittl for commercial projects?

Yes, absolutely. If you use Kittl in a Free Plan, you need to credit Kittl but if you are using any paid plan, you are free to use Kittl without any crediting. To find out more about our commercial licensing click here.

Can I use Kittl for commercial projects?

Yes, absolutely. If you use Kittl in a Free Plan, you need to credit Kittl but if you are using any paid plan, you are free to use Kittl without any crediting. To find out more about our commercial licensing click here.